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Functional Integrated Medicine (Health Coach)

A Functional Integrated Medicine is the concept that, in Miguel Figueiredo's understanding, describes his approach to diagnosis and treatment.

An Integrated Functional Medicine consultation may have as its objective improve your health in general or have some more specific goals like, for example, the emaciation (weight loss due to loss of fat mass), o diabetes control (Type I and II diabetes), the control of digestive/intestinal tract pathologies or diseases autoimmune, elaboration of a nutritional plan of ketogenic diet, Among others.

The 8 Fundamentals of Functional Integrated Medicine

Whatever your objective, according to Miguel Figueiredo, there are 8 fundamentals that are in the base of health and that they are closely linked together. A failure in a system or function can be the cause or consequence of a set of chain reactions that lead to imbalance. Therefore, the identification of these fundamentals is essential in the development of a therapeutic orientation, especially when priorities must be defined. The 8 fundamentals are:

  1. Promote and maintain healthy inputs
  2. Optimize digestion and elimination
  3. Control and develop the mind and emotions
  4. Reduce Inflammation/Support Immune System
  5. Strengthen and maintain the physical skeletal muscle structure
  6. Optimize Metabolism and Energy
  7. Balancing Hormones and Neurotransmitters
  8. Promote Detoxification


It's time to change!

Sometimes we find ourselves at a time in our life when we decide it's time to change! It's time to invert patterns and lifestyles that consume us energy, health and motivation to face the day-to-day with all the our potentials!


This consultation is ideal for you if you want to:

  • Improve your eating habits
  • Manage your weight without restrictive diets, learning to eat according to your metabolism
  • Understand and hear your body better
  • Make self-care and prevention a priority
  • Feeling confident in choosing and preparing food for yourself and your family
  • Experience an increase in overall happiness in your life


First Consultation - What's Included

  • An initial assessment is made and all the clinical history, analysis and tests (preferably sent in advance), medication, lifestyle and body composition (BMI, TBM, NDC, % fat, muscle mass and fluids) are carried out. , perimetry, etc).
  • The chronology of the onset and evolution of the disease is made (when applicable), the triggers and perpetuating factors of symptoms and crises are identified.
  • Food strategies and nutritional tools that best fit each case are defined.
  • Specific lifestyles and daily routines are indicated that have a direct impact on the improvement of the condition presented or on general health, from physical activity and sleep hygiene to stress management.
  • Tools for monitoring and monitoring progress are provided.
  • Panel of specific analyses/exams to be carried out to monitor the evolution and quantification of responses to the initial plan.
  • Plan in PDF with all data collected in the consultation and with detailed proposed guidelines, including food plan, foods to eliminate, functional foods, supplements (if necessary) and prescription for physical activity.
  • Shopping List in PDF, various tips and recipe suggestions.
  • One day a week is defined to review the situation and clarify doubts until the next appointment.
  • Clarification of specific questions via WhatsApp, email or messenger during the active monitoring time.


Follow-up Queries

Depending on each case, follow-up is done by scheduling appointments in 1 to 3 month intervals, after carrying out specific analyses/exams.

According to the frequency established in the consultation, patients should regularly send the evolution summary, according to the requested instructions.


Right now it is only possible to book your appointment online. Online consultation is increasingly used, without compromising the quality of service.

The first Integrated Functional Medicine consultation lasts an average of 120 minutes. The following follow-up appointments last an average of 60 minutes.


Therapist: Miguel Figueiredo.

Price: €75 (1st appointment) and €50 (follow-up appointments).

Book your query now: [email protected]


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Physical Space in Oeiras
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Rua Raul Proenca, 5A 
2780-290 Oeiras
Monday to Friday: 
10 am to 13 pm and 15 pm to 18 pm
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